Legal Notice

Publisher :
This site is published by the ECXECUTIVE company, under the editorial responsibility of its President Emmanuel CARON. The graphics and the skeleton of the website are the exclusive property of the ECXECUTIVE company and could not be used without the explicit written or numerical agreement of its representatives.
Conception and realization :
The design and the realization of the site is carried out by the agency Oblo –
Hosting and technologies :
The development and the hosting of the site is ensured by the Oblo agency –
The site is HTML 5, CSS 3 compliant and respects the accessibility recommendations of the WAI.
Responsibility :
The information and visuals that appear on this site are subject to a disclaimer. Use of the site constitutes acceptance of the conditions below.
The objective is to present accurate and updated information. If errors are brought to our attention, we will make every effort to correct them.
When data present on this site is of a personal nature, users must use it in accordance with the regulations in force and the recommendations of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). The information used must only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes, any distribution or use for commercial or advertising purposes being excluded.

Reproduction rights :
The content of this site may be freely reproduced, disseminated and reused provided that its origin is mentioned by a link to the cited page (or failing that, the home page). In the case of a reproduction on physical support (paper or CD-ROM), the extract of the site will be introduced by a text specifying the name of the author and the URL address of the site.
Establish a link to this site :
The establishment of a link to the site, including “deep”, is not subject to any prior agreement. Only the explicit mention of the site in the title of the link is imperative.